Services while attendance at Church wasn't possible
We weren't able to meet in person for some time, so we met each Sunday by Zoom. The Worship materials we used are set out below.
Epiphany 1 (10 January 2021)
Order of Service (Karel Reus) is here
Christmas 2 (3 January 2021)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Christmas 1 (27 December 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Christmas Day (25 December 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Christmas Eve (24 December 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Advent 4 (20 December 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Advent 3 (13 December 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Advent 2 (6 December 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Advent 1 (29 November 2020)
Order of Service Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Christ the King (22 November 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 24 (15 November 2020)
Order of Service (Karel Reus) is here
Pentecost 23 (8 November 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
All Saints' Day (1 November 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winne) is here.
Pentecost 21 (25 October 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Pentecost 20 (18 October 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 19 (11 October 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 18 (4 October 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Pentecost 17 (27 September 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Pentecost 16 (20 September 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Pentecost 15 (13 September 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 14 (6 September 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 13 (30 August 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 12 (23 August 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 11 (16 August 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Pentecost 10 (9 August 2020)
Order of service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 9 (2 August 2020)
Order of service (Ian Thomas) is here.
Pentecost 8 (26 July 2020)
Order of Service (Karel Reus) is here
Pentecost 7 (19 July 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Prayers of the People are here
Pentecost 6 (12 July 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Pentecost 5 (5 July 2020)
Order of service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Prayers of the People are here.
Pentecost 4 (28 June 2020)
Order of service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
And here's a reflection on Abraham and Isaac.
Prayers of the People are here.
Pentecost 3 (21 June 2020)
Order of Service is here (Ian Thomas)
Pentecost 2 (14 June 2020)
Order of service is here (Rev Fiona Winn)
Trinity Sunday (7 June 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
And here's something a little different!
Pentecost (31 May 2020)
Order of Service (Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Easter 7 (24 May 2020)
Order of Service is here
Reflection is here
Easter 6 (17 May 2020)
Order of Service is here
Reflection is here
Easter 5 (10 May 2020)
Order of Service is here
Reflection is here.
Easter 4 - Good Shepherd Sunday (3 May 2020)
Order of service is here.
Reflection is here.
Easter 3 (26 April 2020)
Order of Service is here
Reflection "One Draws Near...." (Rev Fiona Winn) is here
Reflection "The Road to Emmaus"(Rev Fiona Winn) is here.
Easter 2 (19 April 2020)
Here are links to some earlier worship resources
Fiona's letter - see below
Order of Service and Reflection for Lent 5 (29 March 2020)
Worship on Sunday 22 March.
Sixes and Sevens - sermon 22 March (Ian Thomas)
A Rock and a Hard Place - sermon 15 March (Rev Fiona Winn)
Prayer for a Pandemic
Lord Jesus Think of Me
Pastoral letter 20th March 2020
Greetings all.
I write to you, as the Minister of the Word for the Armadale congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. I write to regular members and perhaps those who have simply chanced on the website looking for something, some word, some thought.
Part of my job is to remind people – re-mind them – of an alternative way to view life – and death and everything in between. And I do that – as do my colleagues and the members of the Armadale congregation - with reference to a library of sacred books handed down through millennia – the Bible: a library of histories, soap opera, prophetic pronouncement; of extraordinary, flawed yet mighty, characters; of poetry, letters/correspondence, gathered wisdom, Gospels.
From the first book (Genesis) to the last book (Revelation), the Bible, with confronting honesty, tells us that a life of faith does not take away what is difficult, but rather offers a particular way of dealing with difficulty, acts as a sign to live into and through difficulty differently.
There is nothing more difficult for us just now than the Corona virus. This pandemic confronts us all in many ways and on many levels - as a society, a nation, a global community.
What does the Church, what do we as a Christian community in Armadale, have to offer into the wider community at such a time? A story of hope and endurance – not just for ourselves but for all creation: the story of Jesus Christ.
At its heart, Christianity is the story of the redemptive suffering and death of Jesus; suffering that, even in, its awfulness, shows us a way through; suffering that is ultimately and mysteriously hopeful and, even as it is endured, points to, speaks of, the time ahead, the time yet to be. It is a story to make us wonder.
The Christian faith does not, cannot, make everything `all right` but with exacting rigour, can and does work with what is - hopefully, truthfully, courageously, selflessly. Each of us has our part to play in this, you and me both.
Unfortunately, we are unable to conduct formal services or even to make the Church available for any purpose, not even for quiet contemplation.
If you wish to talk in more depth, do ring me, Fiona Winn, on 0403 662 786.
`Lord to whom shall we go? Yours are the words of eternal life.` John 6: 68
Go well in every way.